Friday, May 20, 2005

You never know what life is going to throw your way, just hope that you're up to the task and catch what's going your way without fumbling.

Yea, complexities of life are bittersweet, without them our lives would be so much smoother but without them our lives would be boring. You also cannot fully experience the sweet without tasting the most bitter.

Both my parents are recovering and out of the hospital, thank God! It's been testing, having to juggle that, my studies (four major assessments in a month), and my sister's two kids running around in our small little apartment (7 people in 3 bedrooms! plus i was kicked out of my room! >_<).

I really wanna prove to myself that I can do well in Law, I don't know what standard I've set for myself but I do know I wanna do the best I can. However there are certain justifiable limits to effort of course, but I know I can probably do better.
Law is a challenge, trying to comprehend the full area of Law and handling pages and pages of reading, I'm certainly enjoying it, but at the same time as a result of lack of self-will I'm falling behind. I know I've had some troubles, but for me, that shouldn't stop me from aiming, striving and achieving.

I've been asking myself a question of whether it's worth it to strive as hard as I have been? Will working this hard make my life easier for the rest of my life (as people say it will) or will it just train me to work hard as a dog for the rest of my life? I certainly don't wanna be one of those yuppies trapped in their race to 'keep up with the Jones'' but yet there are demands for financial stability and comfort in the future. I guess this is all part of life, and to have faith in God. It becomes a much harder and bigger lesson to learn when you're entering adulthood, when the only one responsible for keeping you fed is yourself. Please God teach me to trust in your provision for tomorrow will worry about itself.

Yesterday is past, tomorrow has not yet come, today is when you must ACT!

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