Saturday, August 13, 2005

I just saw an MTV and thought it was worth sharing coz it meant a little something to me.

It's called "Why Go" by Faithless and I can only explain what happens as best as I can with words but it goes a little something like this. It's about this girl who can't stop dancing! it starts off with her dancing in a club (nothing unusual there!) but as she leaves the club she dances through the exit (not so weird) but as she walks back home she just keeps dancing (energizer bunny has nothing against this girl!) even when she brushes her teeth, sleeps (yes sleep-dancing!) and wakes up. She does this on the streets, on the railway, on the lift at work, at work, and gets tons of dirty stares from people that say "what are you doing???" you prolly know what i'm talking about. But anyway, that doesn't stop her and she just keeps dancing to her own tune and can't care less what everybody else thinks. And throughout all this, everyone else is acting really bland and normal.

She keeps dancing (as you guessed!) on the way back from work and while going down the escalator. You suddenly see this guy going up the escalator who's dancing as wild as her, and TA-DAH their eyes meet. And then, you see them at a formal dinner dancing! and they even make love dancing (alluded to, no nudity!), and get married, and have kids that dance! Definately the most romantic Techno song I've ever seen! hehe.

But yeah, it was really funny and yet really strangely encouraging at the same time. We all have our own different music that we dance to in life, and you don't have to comply to the World, and we go through life until we meet someone else that dances to that same tune, and it doesn't have to be every girl you see. So i guess what the MTV is saying is that you shouldn't put on a show to impress girls/guys, just be who you are, there's no need to change to impress anyone else, and until you find that other person that sings your song/dances to your tune, just keep enjoying life and keep rocking! :D I think that everyone has their own song, and everyone their own beat, just find that one that matches yours! Try and see this video if you can download it, my words don't do it justice.

Think you can watch it at

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