Saturday, March 25, 2006

I've been blogging on my community blog mostly. It's URL is feel free to check it out if you want but I'll warn you it's full of Manglish and may be detrimental to the educated English speaker! :)

Anyways, I was just reading as I do sometimes for entertainment. And on it was this post about (Wow, there's a whole lot of plugging going on in this blog!) has this cool feature which checks the characteristics of your face and matches it up against those of celebrities and presents you with the best results! Check his webpage for some hilarious results.

But yeah, being who I am, I couldn't wait to try it out myself. Who would I look like? Orlando Bloom? George Clooney? Maybe even Brad Pitt or good ol Tom Cruise himself. I was sorely disappointed!

Hahah I obviously have a very asian face. Except for the last one! MAN! gotta get rid of my tan :P I'm now very jaded about this service. haha!

~Keep Smiling!

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