Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Note to self: I need to realise, more likely, i need to accept that nobody in this world is perfect, not even me. I need to change myself to be more accepting of others, including myself. Not in the little things, but in the huge parts of my life. Being a perfectionist sucks~ :)
However, I do worry that if I let myself slip, the world will not be accepting of me. Ahh.. the conundrums of life certainly do tease and antagonise the mind.


Anonymous said...

you're too nice... here's wat i believe, give the world the finger and live life like u're supposed to...


conundrum solved... i hope...


Chiwi said...

We still love you for who you are la... Even thou you can be a pain in the arse... most of the time! hehehe.. hey that is what a sister is suppose to say ok?? :p Just be less judgemental on yourself and others, and you'll be alright!

De Kiwi said...

haha daniel i really don't agree with what you said :)

my mission in life is to see humanity at its cruelest, at its most hateful, at its ugliest, and still choose to pick up my cross for my Lord Jesus and choose to do the right thing and not degenerate to the World's standard.. prolly why I have this perfectionist complex... haha no wonder i don't have a gf :'(