Thursday, July 13, 2006

My TSCF 2006 Conference experience

I was at the TSCF Conference from the 4th-9th of July 2006 and although I wasn't really looking forward to it, somehow I just ended up there! However I'm glad to say by the time it ended I was wishing it would've went longer! The food there was good but of course not as good as homecooked malaysian food (phew, I won't be 'dibuang negara' now) but after a usual diet of KFC, BK, McD's, Wendys and Pizza's, I was glad to be eating rice and bread.

Also, the messages were just what I needed to hear. Thank God for His impeccable timing again. I was at one of the lowest points at my Christian walk in a while, and spent the first few sessions arguing with God (amazed I didn't get struck by lightning). However God won out [don't try arguing with an omnipotent God, doesn't work] in the end and I had to forgive myself for some things in my life. God also provided me with people that I could talk to, rather than what I've been doing which is struggling with it all alone.

However, the highlight was meeting the FUNNY CRAZY WACKY WEIRD family of God that I found out I had in NZ, especially Wellington but also from many other places!! Honestly it was just so good to meet new people with love for God, and were soo awesome to hangout with. It was so great just meeting the extended family of God!! I have a lot of memories with these people that I just met a few days ago, it's crazy! On the last night of camp we basically pulled an all nighter, driving around Auckland, drinking coffee and eating cake, lying in the middle of Symonds Street at 3 am in the morning, and playing games by Mission Bay. Definately memories I will cherish for awhile! :)

But camp, yeah! Some people said it was boring and not worth going to, but I give it a 9 out of 10!! Why only 9 you ask? Because you'd have to come to an AOCF camp to experience a full 10!!! But yes, I thank God for making it such a great week of my life, and for leading me back to Him, back to the Cross!

PS: it's only a ploy to get more people join AOCF Easter camp next year!


Trudi said...

Heya!! Was glad to get to know you guys at conference =) I had an amazing time, especially when we pulled an all nighter..haha.. till we meet again, God bless!!

Scott Mackay said...

Hey bro. Good to hear you enjoyed it.

Thanks for that amazing skit too!

Anonymous said...

Ooi Mr 8! I do agree the conf was awesome..too bad the ski trip tak jadi tho..nvm la,still got slc! Take care ya..Shrek misses all of u! haha