Monday, September 11, 2006

Highlights of the Hols!
1) Rocking it up with the Six Man Sumo Squat Squad aka Kitten's Kite (depending on which day it is) at the UMSA ball 2006!! I was sick until the last day, couldn't sing at all really, but God was good to me and we did great! Big props to TX, Irvin, Ian, Jun Bin, and our invisible 6th member!
2) Carving it up with friends on the mega-mountain that is Ruapehu! We snowboarded at Turoa, thank God for perfect weather, unlimited visibility, and just the breeze in your face hurtling down the mountain at breakneck speeds and adrenaline pumping through your veins. Best snowboarding ever! Great company too! Ronald, Amos, Ben, Hsen Han, Tania, Cheryl, Gladys, Matt Loh, Evan, Lydia, Ivan, Stephz and Edward!
3) Checking it out at the windy city that is Wellington along with the WICF crew that is Fiona, Francesca, Ruth, Elaine, Jessica, Daniel, Peng, Aik Win, and many many more. You guys rock!! Thanks Peng for putting up with 3 of us for that long, I admire your voice bro! Remember Ruth, we're having that fishing trip with the huge oyster buffet one day!!
The rest of the hols just disappeared in games of dota, my trusty PS2, working on assignments, eating lots of good food (thank you Mum and Dad), and hanging out!

On a sad note, rest in Peace Steve Irwin, we will remember you for your passion and your enthusiasm. You can rest in the knowledge that you did make a difference in making people love animals more. God bless you and be with your family.

On another note,
"Oh Lord, that you would bless me indeed
that you extend my territory,
and that your Hand may be upon me,
and help me avoid Evil." ~The Prayer of Jabez
All for Your Glory, it all belongs to You.

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