Friday, September 29, 2006

AOCF Concert 2006!

We haven't had a AOCF concert in 3 years now! I still remember it quite vividly, had a pretty good time, I sang "Sick Cycle Carousel" by Lifehouse, lost in a fooseball match to a 7 year old, and heard after about the numerous complaints we got from neighbours about the noise level! Rest assured we are never welcome to have another concert at that hall anymore. I was nervous back when singing back then. However this time I'm singing 6 songs!! Eek that's a bit of a promotion isn't it?

We still haven't really got a name for the band yet. Although its members consist of:
Baz: Drums
Tian Xiang: Guitar
Amos: Guitar
Iggy: Bass
Me: Vocals
Tania: Synth
Lily: Vocals
will be joining us for a few songs.

These guys are the greatest, it's an honour to be in a band with these guys. I've always looked up to these guys. They are all so musical, and I feel like I have the least to contribute.

I can't disclose the songs list yet, showmanship you see? Apparently it's not good to let people know what songs you are singing until the performance itself. Kinda like knowing the plot before reading a book I guess? it's much more rockier than what I've ever done though, we've even got a bit of screamo! However I am enjoying jumping around like a spastic schizophrenic bugger on stage, hopefully the atmosphere at the concert will be charged enough so that I can do stuff like that without looking like a complete idiot!

Anyways, the details are:
Location: Elim City Church, 74 Cook Street, City Block District.
Time: 7.30pm
What: 4 bands, 1 dance group, competitions, prizes, FREE ICE-CREAM!
How much: 10 dollars (fundraising for AOCF)

I've had a lot of trouble selling tickets to my friends, I initially thought I'd be able to sell 20 easily, but apparently the 30th September 2006 is one of the busiest nights in people's schedules! Either that or I don't have a lot of friends... People have parties to attend, birthdays to celebrate, pets that need burying, headaches to enjoy.. you get the picture. However people are coming in at the last minute and buying tickets off me, so that's been encouraging!

Lemme know if you want a ticket!
Let's just hope I don't end up being another person. Need a hint? Look down.

Oh well, it's all for the glory of God! Thanks God for the opportunity to sing for You!
Will let you know how it all turns out! :D

1 comment:

J-mes said...

all the best mate....