Saturday, August 28, 2004

Wow, you kno those people always on the streets at night preaching about Jesus? yea, u kinda avoid them as if they had some STI or something, or just say "thanks but no thanks" or "i'm a christian already (even tho they might not be christians!)" but I never expected I'd be one of them. And what an experience it was...
Being a university student, you normally get some respect for apparently being smart (oh how untrue!) but even if a genius phd holder stood on the streets for Jesus, they'd get looks that say "oh wow you're crazy!" It was totally unfamiliar territory for me! I'm a very sociable guy normally and it was just so weird having people brush past u as quickly as possible as if u were homeless. People assume you're some hardout fanatic for standing there and making a stand that u're christian. I'm a very normal guy with a normal life, and yet it's funny how people act towards u when u announce u're a christian. I believe in Jesus becoz there is no contradiction with existence! Not because I'm crazy or a lunatic or weak.
Karl Marx said "religion is the opium of the masses" I reckon materialism and society's worldview is the real drug from being truely happy. Admit it, you have a void that nothing can fill no matter how cool u are, how many girlfriends u have, or how rich u are. It's because there's a space within us built for God! Sigh, how do i explain without being perceived as a hippy, or a lunatic? It is very down to earth if u ask me, there's nothin else to it..
I am willing to sacrifice my reputation as a cool guy if u believe christianity makes me 'uncool.' But the whole reason i'm the way i am, is because of what God has done in my life. If i wasn't a Christian, I wouldn't be as nice or happy as I am. I'd probly be some sleaze sleeping with as many girls as I could get my hands on, cutting corners and making money.
Something that will stick with me for a long time becoz i went thru it mentally and it happened tonight was a guy that was really angry for some reason and he just kept on shouting "WEAK WEAK WEAK WEAK!" I know what he feels like bcoz I have always thought of people who rely on drugs, drink and sex when stressed as weak. They rely on something to help get them through. And it's true, i'm weak! Everyone is and those that say they aren't are lying to themselves. But I guess the only thing is that I channel that weakness to something good, and look I come out a better stronger person with hope. Not drugs, alcohol, smokes, weed, sex that leads to despair. In no way am I an "escapist," instead I face reality head on and I can only do that with the realisation that God is for me. God is not some psychological edge or comfort, He is a real being.
That's not even the reason I'm a Christian (becoz he's my strength), that's just a benefit from my relationship with Him. I know, i know, this might sound kinda "out there." Having a relationship with a being that doesn't exist or someone you can't see? But He's there, just as if we stood in a room with a window, and outside every blade of grass is moving, we can't see it, we can't feel it from here, but we know it's there! I'm a Christian because i have a conscience, why wld I have one? Every person starts off with a conscience, although some starve it to death. Why do we have notions of right and wrong (not specific acts as it differs with cultures)? Because there is a God! And why would He create us if He did not love us? So He does, and He died for my sins bcoz I can never undo a wrong, so that He could reconcile my relationship with Him. And today I do~ If not I would've gone crazy a long time ago, but I am ok bcoz He's been with me, and once again He's not someone I made up in my mind. If you don't believe me, ask Him to show Himself to you!
"Everyday they pass me by,
I can see it in their eyes,
Empty people filled with care,
Headed who knows where?

People need the Lord,
At the end of broken dreams,
He's the open door,
When will they realise?
People need the Lord"
Anyways, ball today!! woohoo! holidays have started! let the games begin!! :)
Blog ya later,

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