Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm beginnign to realise that we can't have everything. Everything that is worth something demands sacrifice. If you want a good career, you might have to sacrifice your hobbies. If you want to have a good family, you might have to sacrifice your friends. If you want to be good at guitar, you might have to sacrifice your free time. If you want to be smart, you may have to sacrifice your physical health. We simply can't have everything, there are too many limited resources, there is too little time, choices have to be made.

Which leads me to another debate that has been on my mind. Is it better to be mediocre at everything or to excel in just a few things? I know that the choices i proposed above are not ultimatums and we can have all of them on a varying degree. But I do want to succeed at something, and I am confident that I can succeed at anything I put my mind to. But if I don't put my mind to anything, I succeed at absolute nothing even though I might be reasonably good at everything else.

Everyone, including parts of me, would say that having a well-rounded life is probably the better course. But if you consider people who succeed, people who really succeed, I would think that they aren't very well-balanced people at all, either they're slogging off at the office 60-80 hours a week. I'm definately going to try to keep my life balanced, it's just that I might have to re-adjust the balances in my life right now.

It's amazing that it's taken me 22 years to realise that. I guess that goes to show how well my parents have taken care of me. However at the same time, it's the end of innocence, thinking that "everything can be done". I guess this is what it means to think like an adult. Oh darn, now I'm an adult ;) Wonder if my wisdom teeth are coming soon... on the lighter side of things, I know that my past experiences will serve me well whichever path I choose to take.


Matthew said...

You will definitely succeed in whichever path you choose.

As far as being excellent at something or good in everything, it's a choice everyone will have to make. I find well rounded in everything yet excellent in one or two things is the best. But then again, I'm still chasing that excellent in something status that I want.

Anonymous said...

keep tryna find balance
priortise! btw this be genaetta
u wont believe it--i can make mondays now cos team stuff shifted to sats..yay

Anonymous said...

Hey man. This is ana (the one who co-starred with you as Maria). I just discovered your blog by googling my own name. he, he.

Scarcity principles applied to greater life... Now that you have the wisdom to know about the sacrifices you will have to make, you have to develop the wisdom to make the right choices. Be assured you have someone very wise to help you (I mean Him, not me).