Monday, May 28, 2007

Sex sex sex (Not so much drugs and rock and roll)

If you know me, you know I like to be able and try to relate to people, and sometimes to do that you need to do what they do, see what they see, and so on.

When I was younger, I equated relationships with physicality. If you were in a relationship, you were participating in physicality in some way. I had been exposed to sex as a very young child so I never had that blanket of innocence on me as others did. I was never a wild swinger, but I wasn't a saint either. I thought hey, if the only person that I get physical in my life with is my wife, then that means there's nothing wrong getting physical with them. I always loved my girlfriends as much as a wife, and so physicality was a way of being intimate and sharing. I played it risky, I said to myself that sex wasn't sex as long as it didn't involve intercourse. I was curious, I wanted to learn, I didn't want to be laughed at for not being a good lover. I had been reading metro and countless other girls mags, with special regard to the parts that taught you how to be a good partner in bed.

A humbling experience for me was when I ask one of my best friends, who was in his first relationship, about his relationship and how physical they had gotten. He was about 16 at the time. I was dumbfounded when he told me that they had only held hands and it was only once that they had done so. I never knew that couples existed that did not get physical. I couldn't believe it. (However, THAT friend is now into the whole clubbing and picking up random girls scene, however, irrelevant!).

My idea of sex had been cheapened by the world around me. To me holding hands barely meant anything, kissing was normal and should be done within 3 months of a relationship, etc etc. This is what the media teaches us these days. It teaches us that sexual encounters are as normal as eating making a cup of milo. I did not believe that a single relationship existed that did not involve some kind of dodgy physicality.

Actually.. I'm really tired. Lol sorry. I'll finish this post some other time.
However, I do wish to say this. Do I wish I could have sex? Of course! Which normal human wouldn't want to? Do I feel embarassed saying I'm a virgin? Yes (although, only by the hairs of my chinny chin chin). Am I going to be useless on my wedding night? Probably yes although I'd like to thing I'd be a natural and all those girl mags would've helped me. However, do I think that because I'm saving sex for marriage that it's going to be so much more worth it? I'm going to say it, O M G YES!


Philip said...

hey man...very honest sharing...worth the wait man..better to be lousy on your wedding night than to regret for the rest of your life and sorry isn't enough for your wife whom you are going to live a life time with.

LaiNe said...

Interesting thoughts...can't wait for the next post : ) All the best with exams.

catlim86 said...

hehehe...stating that u're a virgin, very very honest of u. and i think it's even more important for a gal to do so..

as someone said once, 'the best gift any woman can give their husbands on their wedding is her 'innocence'..the v-word.hahah' i dunno that's how i feel...and i'm glad there are guys out there who thinks the same. who cares lah if lousy on wedding nite, the gal wouldnt know also wert (hehehe..)

>>>Alan said...

hey haven heard from u since a while...when coming bak to malaysia?btw wats ur msn?

keropok lekor said...

Haha, interesting post. I must admit that my childhood was also cheapened by the world around me. But glad that we made the decision to be different from the world!

Like what Catz say, girls also donno what. (yeah rite :P)

De Kiwi said...

well.. all i can say is.. i'm getting close.. but I'm still not there yet, so don't go congratulating me yet! :)
Truly by God's grace He let me have this gift for my wife.

jEt said...

hey charles, havent heard from u quite some time, hope u r doing great!

Yea, u're damn right and it's definitely worth waiting the best for the last...jajajahhaa

Pwinncess said...

hey charles, not sure if you rmbr me.

stumbled into your blog.

real deep thoughts you have here :)

and btw, you wont know if you sucked on the first night since you wont have anything to compare to :D