Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I saw this video on http://www.youtube.com, and I couldn't help but feel joy and a strange sense of happiness. I can't say anything except watching this for the first time was just magical.

The guy in the video is Matt Harding (http://www.wherethehellismatt.com) and he quit his job in Australia as a computer programmer to drit around the world recording videos of him dancing. He's not rich, he's just like you and me, except he's pursuing his dream. Enjoy (I know you will)!

The worldless native sounding music raises our desire to return to our natural roots, where nothing is complicated and spurs our human natural desire, that is to see more, to know more, and to understand more. It touches some innate desire so deep within us that we can't just help but smile.

I think one of the most joyful msgs this video communicates is that no matter where the human spirit is, it is indominable and free-spirited. Humans, no matter where we are, in India, Asia, Europe or America, aren't that different, we're all just trying to do our best with the cards given to us in life. The fact that the guy is dancing in his own way which would normally be laughed at (and is) wouldn't be seen as embracing the normal values of gracefulness or dexterity invokes a feeling that says "Go man, do your own thing!"

At the same time, I think part of our soul loves to celebrate the idea that a man who is sick of his monotonous life can give up his job and all his responsibilities and just see the world for what it is and do what he wants to do, which is something we people trapped in our boxed worlds can't appreciate very often so we enjoy living vicariously through him. We truly only get one childhood, one youth, one chance, one life, so cherish it. And then no matter what we look like, where we are, that we are all different, but yet we are in so many ways much more similiar and the differences seem so minute when you look at it. Celebrate life.Dance like no one's watching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the video. It made me smile plus he made dancing bad look good.